
Ag Link合并信息

100多年来, Valley Wide Cooperative has proudly empowered its member owners by carefully managing pooled resources and harnessing the ability to achieve what they can’t do individually. Cooperatives provide the framework for 成员 working together to create a better life for themselves and their communities. 在提供产品的同时, 服务, 技术支持, 和融资, cooperatives also open local and global markets for the producers who own them.

银联有限公司., 在华盛顿东北部工作了50多年, 是化肥零售商吗, 农作物保护, 丙烷, 燃料, 石油产品, 1,200名合作社成员. Both our co-ops work with similar industries, suppliers, and 客户. We’re excited to have these types of collaborative conversations with like-minded businesses – similar to discussions of the past when co-ops like ours began to form.


  • 绿色标记= AG链路位置
  • 蓝色标记=山谷合作社/山谷农业地点


They offer a wide range of crop products to growers and 客户 across northeastern Washington. 经验丰富、训练有素的农艺师为每个农民提供服务, 提供知识以尽可能提高最佳田地的产量.

太阳城官网最近扩展到了华盛顿中部, 在2021年春季购买四个农艺地点. Our additions to the Valley Ag footprint caught the attention from our crop input suppliers, 客户, 成员, 以及周边地区的其他农产品零售商. We consider this potential merger of a neighboring cooperative as an opportunity to strengthen the businesses across the entire geography.



他们公司供应天然气, 柴油, 燃料油, 润滑剂, 丙烷, 更多用于家庭和企业供暖, 让汽车和卡车上路, 还有田间的农用设备.

目前,Ag Link公司有两名能源专家. 合作社拥有一支车队和团队,随时准备处理任何规模的项目. 他们为住宅和商业客户提供服务. Valley Wide Cooperative has worked diligently on supplier relationships that have created significant cost-saving efficiencies. 联合起来创造额外的购买力, we can bring some of the same benefits that our 成员 have enjoyed to others in Washington.




过去的一年, 太阳城官网 acquired a four-location fertilizer company (Saddle Mountain Supply) in Central Washington. 通过这次收购,我们获得了数百名新会员. 我们计划最终为这些成员提供燃料, 润滑剂, 丙烷, 和我们目前的帕斯科能源办公室的服务. Well, the purchase of SMS got the attention of the leadership at 银联有限公司.这是一家在我们新地区西北方向经营的合作社. 因为我们和Ag Link的关系已经有很多年了, it was only natural to discuss how we might work closer together now that we were “neighbors.”

谁是Ag Link ??

谁是Ag Link ??

Ag Link是一个生产者合作社,和我们很像. 它们是在2006年合并后正式成立的. They are made up of three local co-ops whose history goes back over 70 years. 通过他们的七个地点, 他们为市场上的谷物种植者提供肥料, 化学物质, 能源产品, 以及有限的硬件业务. 他们目前有超过1200名成员.

They offer primarily Energy and 农学 products through seven locations. Total sales in 2020 were $95 million with approximately $20 million coming from 农学 and $75 million in energy. They have a fleet of transport 卡车 that support their energy business as well. Valley Wide在2020年的总销售额为5亿美元.



确实如此. 公司的财务状况可以用几种方法来衡量. 通常, 我们看看他们的债务, 过去3-5年的营运资金和收益, 以及未来的盈利潜力. 农联的债务很少——既不是长期债务,也不是季节性债务. They have operated their company with sound fiscal controls and the financial statements reflect that. 它们的流动比率是2.6:1,这表明他们有很强的偿债能力. 收益一直保持在2-3%的水平. 展望未来, VWC can bring value in our purchasing power that will add to the bottom line – which as a unified company, 帮助我们所有人.

其他财务方面的考虑超出了审计结果. 我们考虑设施的状况, 设备, 最重要的是, the customer base as important measures when analyzing a business’s value. 他们的设施和设备状况很好. 作为合作社, their customer base is made up of loyal producers who have demonstrated their commitment to the co-op system through consistent and growing support of 银联有限公司.

这次合并对Valley Wide Co-op有何帮助?

这次合并对Valley Wide Co-op有何帮助?

正如我上面提到的, our goal is to serve our new customer base in central Washington with 燃料, 润滑剂, 和丙烷. 因为Ag Link目前正从事这项业务, 他们可以提供急需的管理, 设施, 卡车, 和设备 to service those 客户 and eliminate the need for Valley Wide to duplicate what already exists. This also has the potential to make Ag Link more efficient with their people, 流程, 和设备. 我们同心协力比各行其是能取得更大的成就.

这次合并也使VWC进入了新的客户市场, 农村, 农业, 和商业, 我们可以在哪里销售丙烷和其他能源产品. 东部的斯波坎山谷提供了这样的机会.



对于Valley Wide的传统客户来说,变化几乎不存在, 考虑到新领土在华盛顿东北部. Our 成员 in the Columbia Basin will see some changes in the form of 燃料, 润滑剂, 和丙烷 products and 服务 becoming available – that’s a good thing. Ag Link拥有一支非常优秀的团队, so we won’t see any changes that would put additional burden on the employees of Valley Wide. 然而, our team at VWC will provide greatly needed help to the Ag Link employee group and look forward to the collaboration as one team to meet the needs of growers.



I firmly believe that anytime a company can add a loyal customer base to its current base of 客户 it makes them stronger. The fact that Ag Link serves those 客户 with the same product lines that VWC currently offers through good 设施 and a dedicated employee team adds to that strength.

作为首席执行官,我往往不会从后视镜里看问题. 我更关注摆在我们面前的潜力. 加入Ag Link给我们带来的风险很小(如果有的话),潜力很大.

Valley Wide是几个较小的合作社的集合. Combining those smaller co-ops under one name and operating as a single entity has been critical to our financial success. That’s the whole premise of a cooperative organization – to accomplish together what you cannot as an individual. 什么时候我们才能说:“我们到了。?” I believe that as long as there are cooperative organizations like ours that have a desire to survive and continue to provide products and 服务 to their 成员 under the cooperative structure, 他们将有机会与Valley Wide讨论.



Adding Ag Link onto our current customer base in central Washington will create a need for a separate District, 这些成员有代表. 目前, VWC在俄勒冈州东部有三个区, 西部的爱达荷州, 爱达荷州中南部, 爱达荷州的东部, 和犹他州北部. Our plan is to bring on three Ag Link board 成员 to the current nine 成员 of Valley Wide, 总共12个. 那三位董事将代表新区.



当然! A thorough review of their financials has been done by both the CEO and CFO of Valley Wide. Further studies will be done to examine the potential business improvements, 增长, 以及合并后公司带来的利润率提高. There is little in the way of synergies since their territory is adjacent to ours and not overlapping. There are financial benefits in our new purchasing power for the 成员 of Ag Link, and labor savings in the energy business as a result of us not having to replicate management 和设备 to service our market.



对我们目前的业务几乎没有影响. There is always a concern that the current team is getting spread too thin, 我们将无法处理增加的工作量. 我也经常有这样的担忧. In this case, Ag Link has a staff of good people that will help carry that load. 某些工作职责可能会有所改变, 这很正常, 但我们需要他们所有的员工.